Console is a simple GUI script for After Effects that creates a console in which you can type Extendscript commands to be executed.
- Command History - Press ⇧ to re-access previous commands.
- Error Reporting - Echo's back errors into the console as well as changing the status bar of the console red.
- Quick Objects - project, items, renderQueue, and selection have been added as built-in objects to reduce typing.
- Floating or Docking Interface - Adding the script to your ScriptsUI folder, adds it to After Effects 'window' menu and allows it dock. Running the script through a launcher or from "File > Scripts > Run Script File..." launches a non-dockable version.
Issues and Limitations
- project.activeItem can't be referenced since the GUI panel becomes the active item.
- variables declared with var will not exist outside their current command. For example, after running var dog = "sparky", subsequent commands will not have access to dog, whereas with dog = "sparky", dog will be available in the global namespace.
- Quick Objects - project, items, renderQueue, and selection have been added as built-in objects to reduce typing.
Visit https://github.com/vidjuheffex/ae.console to download the source, fork, contribute and more.